Laura Newman writes:

"'If we go for a hike near Tehachapi, we can have lunch at a really good BBQ joint'; that is how I convinced my fella to drive me two hours from Los Angeles to hike up Bear Mountain.  Had I just explained the Bear Mountain project, climbing for Joe, it would have been a no-brainer.  I had called early in the week and was granted a pass by the Bear Valley Springs HOA to check out the area and for me that included a short hike to a peak on behalf of Joe.

"First stop was lunch at Red House BBQ in Tehachapi.  It did not disappoint and worth a detour on future trips up the 14 and 395 highways.  Then on to visit the Cesar Chavez National Monument in Keene, California, just a short drive down Highway 58.  After a short tour of the museum and grounds we headed over to Bear Valley Springs HOA and picked up a huge packet of maps, information, and properties for sale should we be interested.  We quickly headed up to Paramount Drive and parked at the end of the road, walking back to the intersection of Paramount and Wilderness Drive, where we found an old road heading up.  Following this road we encountered a couple of gates but the road was open and outside of any no-trespassing areas.  It was a short hike to the top, finding a lookout, benchmark and the much sought for summit register.  Joe’s name was signed in and a few pictures taken then time to head home.  One last stop at the Bear Valley Country Club for a drink at the bar to cool off completed the day. 

"I didn’t get a chance to meet Joe on the trails but I have a feeling that I know him and more importantly that I would have liked him.  In true peakbagger fashion, he chose a word that set a goal.  Most of us who hike have similar dreams of completing lists; using it only as an excuse to get outside and appreciate the mountains in all their variety offered.  I am sure that Joe would have enjoyed this outing in its entirety from BBQ to peak."

Andy Martin writes:

"I've climbed 4 Bear Mountains 'by accident' to date [#21 on 8/1/2003, #14 on 5/11/2004, #3 on 5/21/2007, and #11 on 9/6/2010].  Don't have pics, but could provide route info if needed."